CorrectedIdiomJapanese traditionOnomatopoeia

Suzu wo Korogasu youna Koe (鈴を転がすような声 – Clear and Beautiful Voice)

  • Suzu wo Korogasu youna Koe


    A woman’s high, clear and beautiful voice is sometimes described as suzu wo korogasu youna koe (鈴を転がすような声).

    Since suzu (鈴) means “bell,” korogasu (転がす) means “rolling,” and koe (声) means “voice,” the literal meaning of suzu wo korogasu youna koe is “a voice as if someone is rolling a bell.”
    「鈴」は “bell”、「転がす」は “rolling”、「声」は “voice” を意味するので、「鈴を転がすような声」の文字どおりの意味は “a voice as if someone is rolling a bell” となります。

    The word “bell” in English might remind you of a cup-shaped musical instrument that makes a sound when shaking it, but suzu in Japan is basically a small sphere-shaped instrument (probably “jingle bell” in English).
    英語で “bell” というと、振ると音が鳴るカップ状の楽器を想像されるかもしれませんが、日本語で「鈴」というと、基本的には小さな球形状のもの(英語の “jingle bell” に相当?)を意味します。

    Incidentally, a common onomatopoeia for the sound of a bell in Japan is chirin chirin (ちりんちりん).

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