CultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiUncorrected

Koshi wo Oru (腰を折る – Interrupting)

  • Koshi wo Oru


    To describe interrupting and stopping what someone is doing, you can use the Japanese idiom koshi wo oru (腰を折る).

    Since koshi (腰) means “waist,” and oru (折る) means “to broke/bend,” the literal meaning of koshi wo oru is ‘to broke/bend one’s waist.”
    「腰」は “waist”、「折る」は “to broke/bend” を意味するので、「腰を折る」の文字どおりの意味は “to broke/bend one’s waist” となります。

    Of course, koshi wo oru can mean its literal meaning, but it is also often used idiomatically.

    Koshi (waist) is an important part that supports the body, so the term is also used as a metaphor for an important part of something. Thus, breaking this important part is equivalent to interrupting something.

    In actual cases, it is often used with hanashi (話 – meaning “talk”) and said hanashi no koshi wo oru (話の腰を折る) to mean “to interrupt a conversation.”

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