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Dō ni Iru (堂に入る – Mastering Something)

  • Dō ni Iru


    The Japanese idiom dō ni iru (堂に入る) refers to achieving proficiency in a study or skill.

    This idiom is short for dō ni nobori te shitsu ni iru (堂に昇りて室に入る), which originated in the Analects of Confucius.

    (堂) means “front room,” nobori/noboru (昇り/昇る) means “to go up,” shitu (室) means “inner room,” and iru (入る) means “to enter,” making literal meaning of this phrase “to go up to the front room and enter the inner room.”
    「堂」は「表座敷 (“front room”)」、「昇る」は “to go up”、「室」は「奥の間 (“inner room”)」、「入る」は “to enter” を意味するので、「堂に昇り室の入る」の文字どおりの意味は “” となります。

    In other words, the idea is that one’s knowledge or skills have reached not just the superficial level but also a profound region.

    In the Analects, the latter part is phrased as shitu ni irazu (室に入らず) in a negative context, which means that one’s knowledge or skills have not reached a profound region.

    Original sentence