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Tarō ni mo Jirō ni mo Tarinu (太郎にも次郎にも足りぬ – Neither One Thing Nor The Other)

  • Jirō ni mo Tarō ni mo Tarinu


    To describe a halfway and useless thing, you can use the following interesting phrase:

    Tarō ni mo Jirō nimo tarinu (太郎にも次郎にも足りぬ).

    The Japanese male name, Tarō (太郎), is often used for the first son, and is also used as an honorific for the most superior thing.

    Jirō (次郎), containing the kanji 次 (meaning “second/next”), is also a Japanese male name, and is often used for the second son.
    「次郎」も日本の男性名ですが、「次」は “second/next” の意味を持つため、次男につけることの多い名となっています。

    In addition, tarinu (足りぬ) means “not enough.”
    そして、「足りぬ」は “not enough” を意味します。

    Therefore, the literal meaning of tarō ni mo Jirō nimo tarinu is “something is not good enough neither Taro nor Jiro.”
    すなわち、「太郎にも次郎にも足りぬ」の文字どおりの意味は “something is not good enough neither Taro nor Jiro” となります。

    Since something that can neither be first nor second is halfway, this phrase came to have the current meaning.

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