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Anzuru yori Umu ga Yasushi (案ずるより産むが易し – Fear Often Exaggerates Danger)

  • Anzuru yori Umu ga Yasushi


    Today, I will get a COVID-19 vaccine.

    I am nervous because of the possibility of adverse reactions, but I believe in the proverb, anzuru yori umu ga yasushi (案ずるより産むが易し).

    Since anzuru (案ずる) means “to worry,” yori (より) means “more than,” umu (産む) means “to give birth,” and yasushi (易し) means “easy,” the literal meaning of anzuru yori umu ga yasushi is “It is easier to give birth than to worry about it.”
    「案ずる」は “to worry”、「より」は “more than”、「産む」は “to give birth”、「易し」は “easy” を意味するので、このことわざの文字どおりの意味は “It is easier to give birth than to worry about it.” となります。

    Pregnant women tend to worry about giving birth, but after the birth, they are often calm as if nothing happened.

    For this reason, this proverb means that people worry too much before doing something, but it is often not a big deal.

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