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Sonae Areba Urei Nashi (備えあれば憂いなし – Better Safe than Sorry)

  • Sonae Areba Urei Nashi


    If you are well-prepared in advance, you have nothing to worry about.

    The proverb, sonae areba urei nashi (備えあれば憂いなし), expresses this concept.

    Sonae (備え) means “prepare,” areba (あれば) means “if,” urei (憂い) means “worry,” and nashi (なし) means “no/nothing,” making literal meaning of this proverb “if you are prepared, you will have no worries.”
    「備え」は “prepare”、「あれば」は “if”、「憂い」は “worry”、「なし」は “no/nothing” を意味するので、このことわざは文字どおり “if you are prepared, you will have no worries” という意味になります。

    Today, I conducted a trial lesson for high school students and was very worried because I was not prepared enough.

    As expected, I could not handle some troubles well, and the lesson ended with a sad atmosphere.

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