CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Tateba Shakuyaku, Suwareba Botan, Aruku Sugata wa Yuri no Hana (立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花) Part 1

  • Tateba Shakuyaku, Suwareba Botan, Aruku Sugata wa Yuri no Hana

    立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花 Part 1

    Yesterday, I introduced you to that 姥桜 (uba zakura) can describe a beautiful elderly lady.

    There is another Japanese phrase using flowers, that can also describe a beauty of woman’s appearance, feel and act.

    It is 立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花 (tateba shakuyaku, suwareba botan, aruku sugata wa yuri no hana).

    立てば (tateba) means “when she stands,” and 芍薬 (shakuyaku) means “Paeoniae lactiflora.”
    「立てば」は “when she stands,” 「芍薬」は “Paeonia lactiflora” を意味します。

    “Shakuyaku” bears a beautiful flower on the top of the long slender stem.

    This figure is as if a beautiful woman were standing.

    (Since this entry would be long, it continues on Part 2.)
    (長くなるので、Part 2 に続きます。)

    Original sentence