CultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionUncorrected

Me no Hoyō (目の保養 – Feasting to One’s Eyes)

  • Me no Hoyō


    The concept of enjoying looking at beautiful or pretty things can be described with the Japanese phrase, me no hoyō (目の保養).

    Since me (目) means “eye,” and hoyō (保養) means “refreshment,” the literal meaning of me no hoyō is “refreshment for the eyes.”
    「目」は “eye”、「保養」は “refreshment” を意味するので、「目の保養」の文字どおりの意味は “refreshment for the eyes” となります。

    Originally, hoyō refers to the act of resting and maintaining one’s body and mind in a healthy state.

    This expression was coined from the fact that looking at beautiful or pretty things can be considered a way to rest one’s eyes and keep them healthy.

    Original sentence