CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiProverbUncorrected

Abata mo Ekubo (痘痕も靨 – Love Sees No Faults)

  • Abata mo Ekubo


    When you fall in love with someone, you may even see the one’s faults as if they were advantages.

    The proverb abata mo ekubo describes such a situation.

    Abata (痘痕) is a pockmark that remains after smallpox has been cured, and ekubo (靨/えくぼ) is a dimple that appears when people smile.

    In other words, abata mo ekubo represents a situation where one is so in love with someone that pockmarks, the remains of disease, look like dimples.

    In English, this proverb can be translated as “Love is blind” or “Love sees no faults.”
    英語では “Love is blind” や “Love sees no faults” のように訳すことができます。

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