CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Hin sure ba Don suru (貧すれば鈍する – Poverty Dulls the Wit)

  • Hin sure ba Don suru


    If one becomes terribly poor, one’s brain may not work very well due to the hardship of life.

    The proverb hin sure ba don suru (貧すれば鈍する) can describe such a situation.

    Since hin (貧) means “poor,” and don (鈍) means “dull,” hin sure ba don suru literally means “If you are poor, you will be dull.”
    「貧」は “poor”、「鈍」は “dull” を意味するので、「貧すれば鈍する」は文字どおり “If you are poor, you will be dull” という意味になります。

    Note that this proverb by no means says that being poor is always a bad thing.

    It says that being poor could negatively influence a person’s natural abilities.

    Original sentence