CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionOnomatopoeiaSlangUncorrected

Ata Futa (あたふた – Feverishly)

  • Ata Futa


    When someone is very flustered and upset, the state can be described as the term ata futa (あたふた).

    Ata futa is treated as an onomatopoeic word, but its etymology is an abbreviation of the phrase awate furameku (慌てふためく).

    Sinve awate (慌て) means “to panic,” and futameku (ふためく) means “to be flustered,” the literal meaning of awate furameku is “to panic and be flustered.”
    「慌て」は “to panic”、「ふためく」は “to be flustered” を意味するので、「慌てふためく」の文字どおりの意味は “to panic and flustered” となります。

    Its simple abbreviation would be awa futa (あわふた), but it is believed that it became atafuta for better for a better sound.

    Original sentence