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Saki ga Omoiyarareru (先が思いやられる – Being Worried about the Future)

  • Saki ga Omoiyarareru


    When you are worried that a bad situation is about to happen in the future, you can say saki ga omoiyarareru (先が思いやられる).

    Since saki (先) means “future,” and omoiyarareru (思いやられる) is the combination of omoiyaru (思いやる – meaning “to be worried”) with the spontaneous auxiliary verb reru (れる), this phrase means “to be worried about the future.”
    「先」は「将来」のこと、「思いやられる」は “to feel anxious” を意味する「思いやる」に自発の助動詞「れる」がついたものであるため、「先が思いやられる」は文字どおり “to feel anxious about the future” という意味になります。

    In most cases, omoiyarareru is used with words describing the future.

    For example, you can say yukusue ga omoiyarareru (行く末が思いやられる) by replacing saki with yukusue (行く末 – meaning “future/fate”).
    例えば、”future/fate” を意味する「行く末」をつけて、「行く末が思いやられる」のように使うことができます。

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