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Tsura no Kawa Sen-mai Bari (面の皮千枚張り – Very Shameless/Audacious)

  • Tsura no Kawa Sen-mai Bari


    People who are VERY shameless and audacious can be described as tsura no kawa sen-mai bari (面の皮千枚張り).

    Since tsura (面) means “face,” kawa (皮) means “skin,” sen (千) means “thousand,” mai (枚) is a counter suffix, and bari/hari (張り) means “cover,” the literal meaning of this phrase is “a thousand layers of skin cover one’s face.”
    「面」は “face”、「皮」は “skin”、”千”は “thoudans”、「枚」は助数詞、「張り」は “cover” を意味するので、この表現の文字どおりの意味は “a thousand layers of skin cover one’s face” となります。

    The day before yesterday, I introduced another phrase, tsura no kawa ga atsui (面の皮が厚い – meaning “shameless/audacious”), using atsui (厚い – meaning “thick”).
    先日、”thick” を意味する「厚い」を使った「面の皮が厚い」 を紹介しました。

    The etymology is the same: if one has multi-layered skin or a thick-skinned face, they lack facial expressions, making them look shameless and audacious.

    If you have a thousand layers of skin on your face, no one might be able to see your emotions.

    Original sentence