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Iki Atari Battari (行き当たりばったり – Haphazard)

  • Iki Atari Battari


    I sometimes spend a day just going with the flow without any plan.

    Such an act can be described as iki atari battari (行き当たりばったり) in Japanese.

    Since iki (行き) means “to go,” atari (当たり) means “to bump,” and battari (ばったり) is an onomatopoeic word that expresses something suddenly stops.
    「行き」は “to go”、「当たり」は “to bump” を意味する語で、「ばったり」は何かが急に途絶えることを表す擬態語です。

    In other words, the literal meaning of iki atari battari is “to go, bump into something, and then stop.” It has come to be used in the sense of “haphazard.”

    Original sentence