CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiProverbUncorrected

Yumizu no You ni Tsukau (湯水のように使う – Like It Grows on Trees)

  • Yumizu no You ni Tsukau


    Recently, I may have thrown a lot of money around to set up my new living environment.

    As such, to spend or waste something too much is described in Japanese as yumizu no you ni tsukau (湯水のように使う).

    Yu (湯) means “hot water,” mizu (水) means “water,” and the combination yumizu (湯水 – “hot water and water”) is used as a metaphor for something that exists everywhere.
    「湯」は “hot water”、「水」は “water” を意味し、「湯水」はどこにでもあるものの喩えとして利用されます。

    In addition, since no you ni (のように) means “as if/like” and tsukau (使う) means “to use,” the literal meaning of yumizu no you ni tsukau is “to use something as if it were water.”
    また、「のように」は “as if/like”、「使う」は “to use” を意味するので、「湯水のように使う」の文字通りの意味は “to use something as if it were water” となります。

    Perhaps this phrase cannot be used in regions/countries where water is precious.

    Original sentence