CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Omae Hyaku made Washa Kuju-ku made (お前百までわしゃ九十九まで – Till Death Do Us Part) Part 1

  • Omae Hyaku made Washa Kuju-ku made Part 1

    お前百までわしゃ九十九まで Part 1

    Married couples always hope to enjoy a long life together.

    To express this fact, you can use the proverb omae hyaku made washa kuju-ku made (お前百までわしゃ九十九まで).

    Since omae (お前) is a second person pronoun, hyaku (百) means “hundred,” made (まで) means “until,” washa/washi (わしゃ/わし) is a first person pronoun, kuju-ku (九十九) means “ninety-nine,” the literal meaning of this proverb is “You live until a hundred, and I live until ninety-nine.”
    「お前」は二人称代名詞、「百」は “hundred”、「まで」は、”until”、「わしゃ」は一人称代名詞、「九十九」は “ninety-nine” を意味するので、「お前百までわしゃ九十九まで」の文字どおりの意味は “You live until a hundred, and I live until ninety-nine” となります。

    This expression is written from the wife’s point of view, so omae and washa refer to the husband and the wife, respectively.

    Continue to Part 2.
    Part 2 に続く

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