CultureEssayHistoryIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Omae Hyaku made Washa Kuju-ku made (お前百までわしゃ九十九まで – Till Death Do Us Part) Part 2

  • Omae Hyaku made Washa Kuju-ku made Part 2

    お前百までわしゃ九十九まで Part 2

    In this proverb, the husband is a hundred years old, whereas the wife is ninety-nine years old. There are two theories about the gap of one year.

    One is that this is the wife’s wish that her husband would not die before her.

    The other is that the couple has an age gap of one year, and the wife wishes to meet her end with her husband at the same time.

    Incidentally, this proverb was created around 1800, and Japanese people could only live to be 40-50 years old at this age.

    Thus, taking into account modern life expectancy, this proverb might be omae ni-hyaku made washa hyaku kuju-ku made (お前二百までわしゃ百九十九まで – literally means “You live until two hundred, and I live until one hundred and ninety-nine”).

    Original sentence