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Gonyo Gonyo (ごにょごにょ – Mumbling)

  • Gonyo Gonyo


    The Japanese onomatopoeic word gonyo gonyo (ごにょごにょ) can describe a situation where someone is mumbling something, and it is not clearly audible.

    When you are hesitant to say something clearly or lack confidence, you will speak in the manner of gonyo gonyo.

    There are other onomatopoeic words to describe unclear speech, such as boso boso (ぼそぼそ), butsu butsu (ぶつぶつ), and mogo mogo (もごもご).

    Boso boso represents a situation where someone speaks in a small voice that is difficult to hear.

    Butsu butsu represents a situation where someone speaks complaints in a whisper.

    Mogo mogo represents a situation where someone speaks or eats something without opening one’s mouth.

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