
Jūbako no Sumi wo Tsutsuku (重箱の隅をつつく – Quibbling on Insignificant Detail)

  • Jūbako no Sumi wo Tsutsuku


    In my post the day before yesterday, I introduced the word jūbako (重箱), which means multitiered boxes in which food is stored.

    There is an idiom that uses this word, jūbako no sumi wo tsutsuku (重箱の隅をつつく).

    Since sumi (隅) means “corner” and tsutsuku (つつく) means “to poke,” the literal meaning of jūbako no sumi wo tsutsuku is “to poke a corner of multitiered boxes for storing food.”
    「隅」は “corner”、「つつく」は “to pick” を意味するので、「重箱の隅をつつく」の文字どおりの意味は “to pick a corner of multitiered boxes for storing food” となります。

    Since the shape of jūbako is a rectangular parallelepiped, some food often remains in the corners.

    Compared to poking and eating the food left in the corner of jūbako, this idiom means to pick up insignificant things and quibble about that.

    I do not like to quibble about insignificant things, but I want to eat the food left in the corner of jūbako.

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