CultureEssayFoodJapanese traditionUncorrected

Valentine’s Day in Japan

  • Today is Valentine’s Day.


    On this day men in many countries present bouquets, cakes or chocolate to women.

    On the other hand, in some countries such as Japan or Korea, women present chocolate to men they love.

    For this reason, a large amount of chocolate has been sold in supermarkets lately.

    Incidentally, chocolate of Valentine’s Day in Japan is able to be divided into several categories.

    “Honmei choco” (Main chocolate) ・・・ A chocolate that is presented as a confession of love.

    “Giri choco” (Obligation chocolate) ・・・ A chocolate that is presented as an expression of thanks or social etiquette.

    “Tomo choco” (Friend choco) ・・・ Chocolate that are presented to each other among women.

    “Gyaku choco” (Reverse chocolate) ・・・ A chocolate that is presented from a man to a woman.

    Today I’m going to present chocolate to some colleague as a souvenir, so I need to explain the chocolate is unrelated to Valentine’s Day.

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