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Kaeruka Genshō (蛙化現象 – Ick)

  • Kaeruka Genshō


    Recently in Japan, the term kaeruka genshō (蛙化現象) is often used among young people.

    Kaeruka genshō is a phenomenon once a person you like likes you (i.e., liking each other), you become disliked or lose intent in him/her.

    Since kaeru (蛙) means “frog,” ka (化) means “turn into,” and genshō (現象) means “phenomenon,” the literal meaning of kaeruka genshō is “turning into a flog phenomenon.”
    「蛙」は “frog”、「化」は “turn into”、「現象」は “phenomenon” を意味するので、「蛙化現象」の文字どおりの意味は “turning into a frog phenomenon” となります。

    This phrase derives from “The Frog Prince” in “The Grimms’ Fairy Tales.

    It implies that the person you like comes to look like a frog, which you find disgusting.

    (This phrase could mean something completely different for those who like frogs.)

    Original sentence