
The Etymology of Chocolate

  • Last week I bought a lot of chocolate.


    However, since I didn’t know where the word chocolate came from, today I searched the etymology on the Internet.

    First, the word chocolate comes from Spanish.

    The Spanish word chocolate comes from a Nahuatl word xocolatl.
    まず、日本語のチョコレート(および英語の chocolate)は、スペイン語の chocolate (チョコラテ) から来ています。

    Here, xocoli means bitter and atl means water.
    スペイン語の chocolate は、ナワトル語の xocolatl (ショコラトール) から来ており、xocolli は「苦い」を、atl は「水」を意味します。

    Since the sound xo didn’t exist in Spanish, it has come to be cho.
    スペイン語には xo (ショ) の音がなかったため、cho (チョ) となりました。

    Originally, chocolate was treated as a medical drink among native Mexicans, and it was neither solid nor sweet.

    It has spread to all over the world, continuously improved, then chocolate has become the feature like today.

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