BusinessCultureEssayJapanese traditionKanjiUncorrected

Nariwai (生業 – Occupation)

  • Nariwai


    The Japanese term nariwai (生業) refers to one’s occupation or work that supports their livelihood.

    Nari (生) means “life” or “living,” and wai/waza (業) means “work” or “occupation.” Thus, the literal meaning of nariwai is “work for a living.” Originally, nariwai meant the cultivation of crops or the efforts to make them.
    「生(なり)」は “life/living”、「業(わい/わざ)」は “work/occupation” を意味し、「生業」はもともと作物や、作物が実るように努めることを意味する言葉でした。

    It evolved to mean any work that provides income for living, not just agriculture.

    For example, you can say e wo kaku koto wo nariwai to shiteimasu (絵を描くことを生業としています – “I make my living by painting pictures”).

    Original sentence