ChinaCultureEssayHistoryIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiProverbUncorrected

Hyappatsu Hyakuchū (百発百中 – Deadly Accuracy)

  • Hyappatsu Hyakuchū


    The four-character idiom hyappatsu hyakuchū (百発百中) describes a situation where a bullet or an arrow always hits the target, or every plan or prediction turns out exactly as intended.

    Since hya/hyaku (百) means “hundred,” hatsu/patsu (発) means “shot,” and chū (中) means “hit,” the literal meaning of hyappatsu hyakuchū is “a hundred shots, a hundred hits.”
    「百」は “hundred”、「発」は “shot”、「中」は “hit” を意味するので、「百発百中」の文字どおりの意味は “a hundred shots, a hundred hits” となります。

    This idiom originates from the legendary archer Yang Youji, who appears in the ancient Chinese text “Strategies of the Warring States.”

    In the story, Yang shot a hundred arrows from a hundred paces away from a willow tree, and all the arrows hit the willow leaves.

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