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Eguchi (エグち – Outstanding)

  • Eguchi


    The young people’s term, eguchi (エグち), is sometimes used when something is outstanding, especially when praising it.

    Eguchi is short for the phrase egusa no reberu ga chigau (えぐさのレベルが違う).

    Egusa/egui (えぐさ/えぐい) is used to describe a taste that strongly stimulates the throat, and it is also used to describe something outstanding/awesome, mainly among young people.

    In addition, reberu (レベル) means “level,” and chigau (違う) means “different,” so this phrase literally means “something has a different level of awesomeness.”
    また、「レベル」は “level”、「違う」は “different” を意味するので、「エグち」は文字どおり “something has a different level of awesomeness” という意味になります。

    Note that when writing it all in katakana as エグチ, it might become a MacDonald’s menu item, eguchi (エグチ – short for “egg cheeseburger”).

    Original sentence