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The Japanese Youth Slang Term ‘Mi’ (み) : Part 3

  • The Japanese Youth Slang Term ‘Mi’: Part 3

    若者言葉の「み」 Part 3

    There are other youth slang terms that use the suffix mi, such as the following:

    Suki (好き – “to like”) → sukimi (好きみ – “liking”)
    Shindoi (しんどい – “painful”) → shindomi (しんどみ – “pain”)
    Toutoi (尊い/とうとい – “precious”) → toutomi (尊み/とうとみ – “preciousness”)

    The term toutomi is sometimes used as Toutomi Hideyoshi (尊み秀吉) by mixing it with the famous Japanese warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉), which then means “very precious” or “really splendid.”

    Another special example of using mi is babumi (バブみ).

    The term babumi is coined by attaching mi to the onomatopoeia babu babu (バブバブ) or babū (バブゥ), which describes a baby’s voice. For men, it means feeling maternal toward a younger woman; for women, it means feeling maternal within themselves when they see a childish man.

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