BusinessCultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Nurete de Awa (濡れ手で粟 – Easy Profit)

  • Nurete de Awa


    A situation where one gains a lot of profit easily without hardship can be described as nurete de awa (濡れ手で粟).

    Since nure (濡れ) means “wet,” te (手) means “hand,” and awa (粟) means “millet,” the literal meaning of nurete de awa is “millet with wet hands.”
    「濡れ」は “wet”、「手」は “hand”、「粟」は “millet” を意味するので、「濡れ手で粟」の文字どおりの意味は “millet with wet hands” となります。

    If you try to grab millet grains with wet hands, many of them will stick to your hands.

    This is why the phrase has the meaning of easy profit.

    Personally, I feel a little uncomfortable in a situation where many millet grains are sticking to my hands.

    Original sentence