
Yūmei Mujitsu (有名無実 – Titular)

  • Yūmei Mujitsu


    I ate a famous food last week, but it was not delicious at all.

    Something famous but superficial is referred to as ‘yūmei mujitsu‘ (有名無実).

    ‘ (有) means “there is” or “exist,” and ‘mei‘ (名) means “name,” so the literal meaning of the combination means “there is a name” or “name exists” — it actually means “famous” or “well-known.”
    「有」は “there is” や “to exist”、「名」は “name” を意味するので、「有名」の文字通りの意味は “there is a name” や “name exists” であり、実際には “famous” や “well-known” などを意味します。

    Mu‘ (無) means “no” or “nothing,” and ‘jitsu‘ (実) means “content,” so the combination means “no content.”
    「無」は “no” や “nothing”、「実」は “content” を意味するので、「無実」は “no content” を意味します。
    (‘Mujitsu‘ is also used to mean “innocent.”)
    (「無実」は “innocent” を意味することも多いです。)

    That is to say, ‘yūmei mujitsu’ means “it is famous but is void of content.”
    したがって、「有名無実」とは “It is famous, but is void of content” (有名だが、中身がない)ということを意味するわけです。

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