CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiProverbUncorrected

Shinogi wo Kezuru (しのぎを削る – Going Head-to-Head)

  • Shinogi wo Kezuru


    When you engage in fierce competition, we describe it as しのぎを削る (shinogi wo kezuru) in Japanese.

    しのぎ (shinogi) means a ridge between 刃 (ha – edge) and 峰 (mine – blunt edge) of a Japanese sword, and 削る (kezuru) means to scrape something.

    Therefore, the literal meaning of “shinogi wo kezuru” is to scrape a ridge of a sword.

    In a normal sword fight, “shinogi” (ridge) of a sword would not be scraped, so scraping “shinogi” implies that it is a very fierce fight.

    Originally, this term was used for a sword fight, but it has come to be used for various fierce fight or competition.

    Original sentence