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Usomatsu (嘘松 – Fabricated Story)

  • Usomatsu


    On Japanese social media, posts that seem like lies are sometimes referred to as usomatsu (嘘松).

    The word uso (嘘) means “lie.”
    「嘘」は “lie” を意味します。

    The word matsu (松) usually means “pine,” but in this context, it refers to the character Osomatsu (おそ松) from the anime Osomatsu -san (おそ松さん).
    「松」は “pine” を意味する単語ですが、ここでは「おそ松さん」というアニメのキャラクター「おそ松」を指しています。

    The slang term usomatsu originated from a post on Twitter (now “X”) about an unbelievable experience related to Osomatsu-san, or the fact that users who frequently posted fake stories used icons of Osomatsu-san.

    As an antonym for usomatsu, hontōmatsu (本当松) is sometimes used, incorporating hontō (本当 – meaning “truth”).
    対義語として、”truth” を意味する「本当」を使った「本当松」があります。

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