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Kachū no Kuri wo Hirou (火中の栗を拾う – Taking a Risk for Someone): Part 2

  • Kachū no Kuri wo Hirou: Part 2

    火中の栗を拾う Part 2

    Based on the fable “The Monkey and the Cat (Le Singe et le Chat),” the French proverb “tirer les marrons du feu” was born, the literal meaning of which is “to pull someone’s chestnuts out of the fire.”
    「猿と猫 (Le Singe et le Chat)」の寓話から、フランスのことわざ “tirer les marrons du feu” (文字どおりの意味は “to pull someone’s chestnuts out of the fire”) が生まれました。

    While its literal meaning suggests “to take a risk for someone,” in France, it seems to be commonly used as a proverb meaning “to benefit from someone’s risky work.”

    Incidentally, this proverb is the origin of the American idiom “a cat’s paw,” which means “to be used as a tool by someone.”
    これは、「他人に道具のように利用されること」を意味するアメリカの慣用句 “a cat’s paw” の語源にもなっています。

    Similarly, in Japan, it became the proverb kachū no kuri wo hirou (火中の栗を拾う). However, it is often used in a positive sense, “to take a risk for someone’s benefit,” rather than in a negative sense as in foreign countries.

    Original sentence