CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiProverbUncorrected

Kyōka Suigetsu (鏡花水月 – Phantom)

  • Kyōka Suigetsu


    Beautiful things or phantoms that we can see but cannot touch are sometimes described as kyōka suigetsu (鏡花水月).

    Since kyō (鏡) means “mirror,” ka (花) means “flower,” kyōka (鏡花) means “flowers in a mirror.”
    「鏡」は “mirror”、「花」は “flower” を意味し、「鏡花」で「鏡に映る花」の意味になります。

    In addition, sui (水) means “water,” and getsu (月) means “moon,” so suigetsu (水月) means “a moon reflected on the water.”
    また、「水」は “water”、「月」は “moon” を意味し、「水月」で「水に映る月」の意味になります。

    As can be seen from their literal meanings, both kyōka and suigetsu are visible but cannot be held in your hands.

    This is why the four-character idiom kyōka suigetsu has come to hold its current meaning.

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