CultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Shitashiki Naka ni mo Reigi Ari (親しき仲にも礼儀あり – Good Fences Make Good Neighbors)

  • Shitashiki Naka ni mo Reigi Ari


    No matter how close the relationship, there are some etiquettes that should be observed.

    The proverb, shitashiki naka ni mo reigi ari (親しき仲にも礼儀あり), expresses this notion.

    Since shitashiki/shitashii (親しき/親しい) means “close,” naka (仲) means “relationship,” reigi (礼儀) means “etiquette,” this proverb literally means “even in a close relationship, there is etiquette.”
    「親しき/親しい」は “close”、「仲」は “relationship”、「礼儀」は “etiquette” を意味するので、「親しき仲にも礼儀あり」は文字どおり “even in a close relationship, there is etiquette” という意味になります。

    To build interpersonal relationships, we should treat everyone respectfully and be mindful of etiquette.

    It is believed that this proverb derived from the “Analects” of Confucius.

    Original sentence