CultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionKanjiProverbUncorrected

Sakushi Saku ni Oboreru (策士策に溺れる – Hoist with His Own Petard)

  • Sakushi Saku ni Oboreru


    Even those who are good at devising strategies can sometimes rely too much on their plans and end up failing.

    The proverb, sakushi saku ni oboreru (策士策に溺れる), illustrates this lesson.

    Since sakushi (策士) means “strategist,” saku (策) means “strategy,” and oboreru (溺れる) means “to drown,” the literal meaning of this proverb is “a strategist drowns in his own strategy.”
    「策士」は “strategist”、「策」は “strategy”、「溺れる」は “to drown” を意味するので、「策士策に溺れる」の文字どおりの意味は “a strategist drowns in his own strategy” となります。

    In other words, it reminds us not to be too overconfident in our own abilities.

    This proverb may be translated as the idiom “hoist with his own petard,” originated from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”
    シェイクスピアの「ハムレット」に由来する慣用句 “hoist with his own petard” (自分の爆弾で吹き飛ばされる) は、「策士策に溺れる」と似た意味を持ちます。

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