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Futokoro ga Atatakai (懐が暖かい – Having a Fat Purse)

  • Futokoro ga Atatakai


    When you have much money in your pocket, it can be described as futokoro ga atatakai (懐が暖かい) in Japanese.

    Since futokoro (懐) means “inside the chest area of a kimono (traditional Japanese clothing),” and atatakai (暖かい) means “warm,” the literal meaning of futokoro ga atatakai is “one’s inside of the chest area of a kimono is warm.”
    「懐」は “inside the chest area of a kimono (traditional Japanese clothing)”、「暖かい」は “warm” を意味するので、「懐が暖かい」の文字どおりの意味は “one’s inside of the chest area of a kimono is warm” となります。

    In the past, Japanese people carried their wallets in futokoro of their kimono.

    When having much money, one’s inside of the chest area of a kimono would get thick and warm.

    Original sentence