CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionOnomatopoeiaSlangUncorrected

Kutakuta and Hetoheto (「くたくた」と「へとへと」 – Exhausted)

  • Kutakuta and Hetoheto


    There are Japanese onomatopoeia, くたくた (kutakuta) and へとへと (hetoheto), both of which mean that someone is exhausted.

    Both of kutakuta and hetoheto are often used in the same situation, but the degrees of tiredness that are expressed are different.

    Kutakuta implies that you are tired, but you will get active if you take a little rest.

    Hetoheto implies that you are exhausted, and it is difficult to you to not only move but also get up.

    Also, kutakuta can be used to mean that things are shabby, but hetoheto is used to only people.

    Incidentally, I’m now kutakuta.

    Original sentence