CultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Hara ga Kuroi (腹が黒い – Scheming/Black Heart)

  • Hara ga Kuroi


    The other day, I wrote that most Japanese idioms about “hara” (腹 – stomach) is related to “kokoro” (心 – heart).

    For example, there is the idiom “hara ga kuroi / haraguro” (腹が黒い / 腹黒), the literal meaning of which is “one’s stomach is black,” and it means people who have bad heart.

    Some say that this idiom comes from the fact that halfbeak has black stomach, but I think that the black stomach of halfbeak don’t related to a bad heart.

    Also, there is another theory that it comes from the Japanese myth — the bad God called “izanami” has black thunder around his belly.

    However, in my opinion, it just comes from the fact that stomachs and hearts have close relationship in Japan.

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