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Chichin Puipui (ちちんぷいぷい)

  • Chichin Puipui


    I think that almost all Japanese people have heard the spell, “chichin puipui.”

    This spell is mainly used to relieve pain when a child is injured.

    In the actual situation, it’s often used like “chichin puipui, itaino itaino tondeike” (here “itaino” means “pain” and “tondeike” means “blow away something”).

    In the past, it was chanted as “chichin puipui goyo no ontakara” (ちちんぷいぷい 御代の御宝), and it’s thought that this came from “chijin buyu goyo no ontakara” (智仁武勇御代の御宝)

    Chijin means “knowledge,” buyu means “force,” goyo no ontakara means “our treasure,” and it is said that a foster mother of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA, the third Shogun, used this phrase when she made her son stop crying, with the feeling that please don’t cry because you are our treasure with both knowledge and power.

    Original sentence