AnimalCultureEssayEtymologyJapanese traditionOnomatopoeiaUncorrected

Neko (Cat)

  • Neko

    Today I will talk about the Japanese word “neko,” which means “cat.”

    There are several etymologies, but widely accepted ones are the following:

    ・Abbreviation of “nekoma”

    It is said that originally neko was called “nekoma,” and it became to “neko” for short.

    As the reason why it was called nekoma, there are several theories — one is that “ma,” which means “beast” was attached to “neko,” which is an abbreviation of “yoku neru ko” (a child who get a good sleep) .

    ・Deformation of the sound of a cat

    Formerly in Japan, we referred to the sound of a cat as “neu neu.”

    It is also said that by attaching “ko,” which is a suffix word that represents familiarity, to the “ne” of “neu neu,” the word “neko” was born.

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