CommunicationCultureEssayJapanese traditionLanguageUncorrected

Mo ni Fukusu (喪に服す – Mourning): Part 2

  • Mo ni Fukusu: Part 2

    喪に服す Part 2

    During the period of mo ni fukusu (喪に服す – “mourning”), there are various things that should not be done.

    For example, visiting shrines, participating in celebratory events like weddings, going on trips or leisure activities, celebrating the New Year, and making significant purchases.

    In my recent entry, I introduced the Japanese culture of writing nengajō (年賀状 – “New Year’s greeting card”) to be delivered on January 1.

    However, during the period of mourning, one should not write nengajō either.

    Instead, mochū hagaki (喪中はがき – “mourning postcard”) is sent in November or December to inform others that they are currently in mourning.

    Those who receive a mourning postcard usually reply after the New Year with kanchū mimai (寒中見舞い – “winter greeting card”).

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