CultureEssayEtymologyJapanese traditionKanjiLanguageUncorrected

Mo ni Fukusu (喪に服す – Mourning): Part 1

  • Mo ni Fukusu: Part 1

    喪に服す Part 1

    In Japanese culture, after the death of a loved one, people refrain from their activities to mourn for a certain period. This is called mo ni fukusu (喪に服す).

    Since mo (喪) means “mourning,” and fukusu (服す) means “to spend,” mo ni fukusu literally means “to spend time in mourning.”
    「喪」は “mourning”、「服す」は “to spend” を意味するので、「喪に服す」は文字どおり “to spend time in mourning” という意味になります。

    When expressing this concept as a noun, it becomes fukumo (服喪).

    In addition, the period of mourning is called mochū (喪中) or fukumochū (服喪中) using chū (中 – meaning “during”).
    また、喪に服す期間のことを、”during” を意味する「中」を使い、「喪中」や「服喪中」と言います。

    Generally, the mourning period lasts 12 to 13 months for a spouse or first-degree relative and 3 to 6 months for a second-degree relative.

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