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I no Ichiban (いの一番 – The Very First)

  • I no Ichiban


    The Japanese phrase i no ichiban (いの一番) is sometimes used to describe that something is first in time or order, or that one is the first to do something.

    I (い) is the first character in the iroha uta (いろは歌 – “Iroha Song”), a traditional Japanese song used for learning kana characters.

    In addition, ichiban (一番) means “first,” so i no ichiban is an expression that emphasizes being the first.
    また、「一番」は “first” を意味するため、「いの一番」は「最初」であることを強調した表現であるというわけです。

    There is another theory that i no ichiban comes from an architectural term.

    During house construction, vertical pillars and horizontal pillars are labeled i, ro, ha (い、ろ、は) and ichi, ni, san (一、二、三), respectively.

    The first pillar to be erected is called i no ichi (いのいち), which is said to be the origin of i no ichiban.

    Original sentence