CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionSlangUncorrected

Ore de Nakya Minogashi Chau Ne (オレでなきゃ見逃しちゃうね – Anyone Else would have Missed It)

  • Ore de Nakya Minogashi Chau Ne


    The slang phrase, ore de nakya minogashi chau ne (オレでなきゃ見逃しちゃうね), is sometimes seen on the Internet.

    This phrase originates from the famous Japanese manga “HUNTER×HUNTER,” and the exact line is osoroshiku hayai shutō, ore de nakya minogashi chau ne (おそろしく速い手刀 オレでなきゃ見逃しちゃうね).
    このフレーズは漫画『HUNTER×HUNTER』に由来するもので、正確なセリフは「おそろしく速い手刀 オレでなきゃ見逃しちゃうね」です。

    The English version is almost a direct translation: “The swiftest chop. Anyone else would have missed it.”
    英語版では “The swiftest chop. Anyone else would have missed it.” となっていました。

    In other words, it is a self-praising phrase that means, “I am amazing for noticing something that ordinary people would miss,” and you can use this in various situations by changing the shuto (手刀 – meaning “chop”) part.

    If you notice something moving or changing very quickly, consider using this phrase.

    Incidentally, the character who said this line does not have a name in the manga and is familiar to Internet users as danchō no shutō wo minogasa nakatta hito (団長の手刀を見逃さなかった人 – meaning “the person who did not miss the gang leader’s chop.”)

    Original sentence