CultureEssayIdiomJapanese traditionProverbUncorrected

Hana wa Oritashi Kozue wa Takashi (花は折りたし梢は高し – So Near and yet So Far)

  • Hana wa Oritashi Kozue wa Takashi


    The Japanese phrase, hana wa oritashi kozue wa takashi (花は折りたし梢は高し), can describe a situation where you want something but have no way to get it or things are not going your way.

    Since hana (花) means “flower,” ori/oru (折り/折る) means “to break,” tashi/tai (たし/たい) means “want,” kozue (梢) means “treetop,” and takashi/takai (高し/高い) means “high,” the literal meaning of this phrase is “want to break (a branch with) a flower, but the treetop is high.”
    「花」は “flower”、「折り/折る」は “to break”、「たし/たい」は “want”、「梢」は “treetop”、「高し/高い」は “hight” を意味するので、「花は折りたし梢は高し」の文字どおりの意味は “want to break (a branch with) a flower, but the treetop is high” となります。

    It means you want to break and pick the branch with a flower, but the treetop is too high to reach.

    This phrase carries a similar meaning to takane no hana (高嶺の花 – meaning “out of one’s league”), which was introduced yesterday.

    Original sentence