CultureEssayEtymologyIdiomJapanese traditionSlangUncorrected


  • Today, I will talk about the Japanese expression “azatoi.”


    “Azatoi” means that the act is explicit and wily, or it’s inconsiderate.

    The etymology of azatoi is said to be “azaru,” which means “playful.”

    (Note that the expression “azaru” is rarely used these days, and “tawamureru,” which has the same meaning is used instead.)

    Nowadays, the word “azatoi” is often used when women show signs that attract men in a calculated way.

    For example, we say 「彼女あざといね」 (means something like “she is very clever).

    As examples of the signs, there are “puffing her cheeks,” “peeping from beneath her lashes,” referring to herself as her first name,” etc.

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