CultureEssayFoodJapanese traditionUncorrected

Winter Solstice

  • Today is the winter solstice, which is marked by the shortest day and longest night of the year.


    In Japan, it is said that eating pumpkins and taking yuzu-yu on the winter solstice can prevent catching cold.

    In fact, since pumpkins contain a lot of vitamin A and carotene, they are effective in preventing cold.

    Also, yuzu-yu means a bath that is floated some (or many) yuzu citron.

    The yuzu-yu is effective in preventing cold, promoting blood circulation, beauty care and relaxation.

    As a hypothesis of the custom of taking yuzu-yu on the winter solstice, there is something like the following: the reason is because that the term “冬至, toji” (winter solstice) is similar to “湯治, toji” (hot spring cure), and the term “融通, yuzu”(adaptable) is similar to “柚子, yuzu”(yuzu citron).

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