EssayIdiomJapanese traditionLanguageUncorrected

The Meaning of “結構(kekko)

  • Today, I’d like to introduce a Japanese confusing term ‘結構(kekko).’


    Kekko has four big meanings:

    1 : “結構面白いですね(Kekko omoshiroi desune : It’s more interesting than expected.)”

    Here, the meaning of kekko is something like “more ~ than expected” or enough or ‘pretty.’
    1 : 「結構面白いですね」

    I think this kekko is most commonly used in Japan.

    2 : “お支払いは結構です(Oshiharai wa kekko desu : The payment is not needed.)”

    Here, the meaning of kekko is “no need” or “not required.”
    2 : 「お支払いは結構です」

    3 : “お支払いは後日で結構です(Oshiharai wa gojitsu de kekko desu : The payment is fine at a later date.)”

    Here, the meaning of kekko is “no problem” or ‘satisfied.’
    3 : 「お支払いは後日で結構です」

    You can translate “結構です” as “構いません(don’t care)” or “大丈夫です(okay).”

    4 : “結構なお点前ですね(Kekko na otemae desune : It’s a worthy place.)”

    Here, the meaning of kekko is worthy or fantalicious or ‘perfect.’
    4 : 「結構な場所ですね」

    While writing this, I was also a little confused, haha.

    Original sentence