Thirty-Six Books
Thirty-Six Books
I have been trouble deciding on a topic for posts on Lang-8 lately.
私は最近いつも、 Lang-8 に投稿するトピックに困っています。
Therefore, I looked for books concerning words or culture on the Kindle store, in order to use them as a reference for a topic.
そこで今日は、トピックの参考にするため kindle で本を買おうと思い、言葉や文化に関する本を探しました。
Then, I noticed that a special sale was being held — many books were sold for 99 yen (about 89 cents).
Impulsively, I clicked “Buy now with 1-Click” button many times, and finally, I bought 36 books.
I bought various kinds of books — books of kanji, books of English grammar, books of history, books of religion, books of trivia, etc.
I will write entries using these books starting tomorrow.