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Udsagi Goya (ウサギ小屋 – Rabbit Hutch)

  • Japanese houses are sometimes described as ウサギ小屋 (usagi goya), the literal meaning of which is “rabbit hutch.”


    The reason is very simple — it’s because houses where Japanese live are basically narrow.

    An informal report, issued by EC (European Communities) in 1979, said that Japanese houses are “cage a lapins” (narrow collective housing).

    The literal translation of “cage a lapins” is ”usagi goya” (rabbit hutch), and this term has become popular as an ironic sense.
    1979年、ECが出した非公式報告書では、”cage a lapins” (都市型の集合住宅) と表現されました。

    Indeed, in big cities such as Tokyo, the land is expensive and houses are very narrow.

    However, I heard that the average site area of Japanese houses is similar to those of European countries.

    (Of course it’s narrow compared with houses of the US.)

    Original sentence