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Honyarara (ほにゃらら – Blah Blah Blah)

  • Honyarara


    The expression honyarara (ほにゃらら) can be used when you want to obscure words, read concerned text, or refer to unspecified things.

    It is said that this expression has become popular from a Japanese quiz show about 40 years ago. In the quiz show, a host said honyarara to obscure the correct word of a quiz.

    Originally, it appears the host frequently used words like honya (ほにゃ) or henara (へなら) on his radio program to blur words, and a journalist adopted them into honyarara in an article, which led to its use on the quiz show.

    It can be translated into English as “blah blah blah” or “yada yada.”
    英語でいうところの “blah blah blah” や “yada yada” に相当します。

    Original sentence